Consulting Engineers in Composite Materials

Specialising in all aspects of composite materials technology

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What we do

James Quinn Associates is an engineering consultancy specialising in all aspects of composite materials technology. This covers the design, analysis and production engineering of polymer composites from GRP to advanced composites and includes specification, inspection and litigation work.

Design & Analysis

This represents a broad spectrum of activities, comprising the design of components, structural elements and structures for: Chemical and Water Treatment plant, Marine and Offshore: Aerospace and Defence; Civil and Structural applications.

The practice has experience in the design of a large variety of components and structures which include: structural frames; cylindrical and rectangular tanks to BS4994 and EN13121; multi-sphere tank system for underground storage; hyperbolic paraboloid roof structures; flagpoles; various process plant walkways; handrails and their associated structural support platforms, Marine Radome structures and the design and proof testing of cable tray system and support framework for the Channel Tunnel. Wind turbine blades.

Finite Element Analysis, Laminate Analysis and Classical Analysis are used as appropriate.

Production Engineering

The production engineering capability covers pultrusion, compression moulding autoclave, vacuum and the intermediate processes, RTM etc. Aspects of interest include: process selection, economics, process optimisation, trouble shooting etc.


Design & Development

Product Design and Development on behalf of a client is a field of increasing activity. We have experience in the development of a variety of composite products ranging from industrial to consumer goods.
